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Chapter 2: Say Hello to Your New Friend, Your Inner Bad Boy

Boldness. Confidence. A take-charge attitude. Going in hard and fast for the first kiss. Openly desiring his partner. Bad boys have many attractive qualities. Why else would so many women be drawn to them? Clearly, because they’re human and they’re “bad” some may also have negative and dysfunctional qualities that present real challenges to any woman who wants to be in a healthy relationship. But we’re not interested in narcissistic, self-centered, or misogynist behaviors. We want to zero in on the bad boy’s positive traits and use them to help us—the good guys—in our relationships, and maybe also in life in general.

Debunking the Myths

Bad boys can get a bad rap, as they’re often painted with the brush of toxic masculinity. In fact, they have a number of positive qualities—such as a sense of boldness and fun, and an air of “safe danger” and unpredictability—that are highly attractive to many women (and men). Focus on developing at least some of those bad-boy attributes to give yourself a boost in love, life, and work.

What Makes a Bad Boy So Appealing?

So, what is it about these guys that makes them appealing to so many women?


Chapter 13: Marauders—Take a Walk on the Wild Side

Note: This chapter is about the FANTASIES some women have—not reality. It’s critical that you understand this distinction before we go any further. While some women may have fantasies about aggressive sex, that doesn’t mean they’re okay with any form of unwelcomed or uninvited attention. Fantasies are no excuse for any form of assault, harassment, or inappropriate touching of any woman. No means no. You must get consent.

Note: This chapter also talks about some more intense physical sexual acts.

If you don’t want to try any of these, you can still use many of the other less intense techniques in this book to help boost your partner’s sexual pleasure.

Now we’re going to check out the wilder side of sex: marauders, aggressive sex, and the fantasies some women (and men) have about these and even more extreme behaviors. We’ve talked about “good” bad boys and the positive traits they exhibit. But what about the men who appear to cross the line into really bad-boy territory? Real marauders don’t care about the line—they just cross it. Good guys may need to pretend to cross this line so that their partner feels that her fantasies are almost real. Almost. Here we look at the marauder fantasy and how you can draw from it to create an extra level of excitement for your partner.
